Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM)

Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM)

The Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) is a must-attend event for all Quebec-Ocean members, Allies and partners. Each year, participants have the pleasure of meeting to discover and discuss the latest advances in research and develop new collaborations.

Highlights of the 2024 ASM

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Québec-Océan's Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 took place from February 6 to 7 at the Hotel Universel in Rivière-du-Loup. It was preceded by Student Day from February 5 to 6.  

This meeting was an opportunity to get together, review the latest discoveries, achievements and efforts of our members to understand and protect our oceans. We were privileged to listen to lectures by Guillaume Marie (UQAR) and Jasmin Godbold (Southampton University), who shared their expertise and research perspectives. The student general meeting was held on Wednesday, February 7, and saw the election of new members to the Student Committee. 

Some key figures for this ASM: 165 participants, 17 oral presentations (including 2 invited), nearly 80 poster presentations, 11 presentation prizes, and 3 days of memorable exchanges!  

The detailed scientific program is available here This event was made possible thanks to our generous sponsors: Réseau Québec maritime, Réformar, Novarium, Arctus, ArcticNet and Sépaq. 


Student Day 

As a prelude to the RSA, a day was offered to 30 students members to meet, exchange and attend advanced workshops. The first workshop, "Data management and archiving: Tips and tricks in R and Python", was led by Philippe Massicotte, research professional at Université Laval, and Pascal Guillot, data manager at Québec-Océan. The second workshop, "Scientific posters: design and presentation", was led by Émilie L. Dubois, founder of Impakt Scientifik. 


Guest speakers

Among the most eagerly awaited moments of the event were the presentations by our guest speakers, who were able to present their research and perspectives, broadening the audience's horizons: 

Guillaume Marie (Université du Québec à Rimouski, Québec) 
Recherches sur l’adaptation des communautés côtières aux risques d’érosion et de submersion côtière  


Jasmin Godbold (Southampton University, England)  
Implications of human activity and environmental change for soft-sediment biodiversity and ecosystem functioning  



Presentation competition

Another highlight of this ASM 2024 was the presentations competition (oral and poster) offered to students members of Québec-Océan, whose recipients are as follows: 

Oral presentation awards

1st prize ex æquo
Chloé Pazart (UQAR ISMER), Christian Nozais, Karine Lemarchand, Kim Doiron 
Étude des risques de transferts d’espèces microbiennes allochtones par l’utilisation de peintures antifouling exemptes de produits biocides dans la navigation (Projet PAINTS) 
1st prize ex æquo
Fanny Thiery (U.Laval) Frédéric Maps, Thomas Jaegler, Simon Bélanger
Look at the past to see the futur. Prediction of the habitat suitability of the North Atlantic Right Whale in the Gulf of St Lawrence in the summer season 

People's choice award
Fanny Vermandele (UQAR), Matthew Sasaki, Gesche Winkler, Hans G. Dam, Diana Madeira, Piero Calosi
Quand les temps sont durs, comptez sur les femelles : caractérisation des réponses physiologiques et d'histoire de vie des femelles et mâles en condition combinée d'hypoxie et d'une vague de chaleur 


My research in 180 seconds awards

Neha Joshi (U.Laval), Jean-Carlos Montero-Serrano, Émilie Saulnier-Talbot
Benthic foraminifera as useful bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in the bay of Sept-Îles, QC, Canada 
People's choice award
Sandrine Picotte (UQAR) Souhir Marsit, Emmanuelle Chrétien, Simon Tweddell, Karine Blouin, Richard St-Louis
Évaluation de l'impact des pressions anthropiques sur les refuges thermiques du saumon atlantique : une approche intégrée de caractérisation, quantification et gestion 

Scientific poster awards

Start-up project award 
Lauriane Belles-Isles (UQAR-ISMER), Charlie Laforme, El Mahdi Bendif, Philippe Archambault, Fanny Noisette, Christian Nozais 
Bénin jusqu’à quel point : effets de l’enrichissement en nutriments sur l’état physiologique de la zostère marine en milieu nordique
Master award
Charlotte Tessier-
Larivière (UQAR ISMER), J
ory Cabrol, Véronique Lesage, Christian Ramp, Richard Sears, Gesche Winkler
Évolution de l’alimentation des grands rorquals du Saint-Laurent depuis 1992 dans le contexte des changements climatiques 

Doctoral award
Ariane Barrette (U. Laval), Philippe Archambault, Pierre Ayotte, Mélanie Lemire  
Distribution of selenoneine and ergothioneine in organs and tissues of belugas hunted in Quaqtaq, Nunavik (2018-2019) 

Doctoral award
Marie-Valentine Loiseau (UQAR), Yanick Gendreau, David Drolet, Mathieu Cusson, Piero Calosi
Vulnérabilité des écosystèmes estuariens face aux inondations printanières : impacts de l’exposition à de l’eau douce, acide et turbide sur un assemblage de mollusques marins 


Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Award
Maëla Le Ménec (UQAR-ISMER), Cédric Chavanne, Dany Dumont
Estimation des zones d’incertitude de trajectoires de bouées dérivantes pour la recherche et le sauvetage en mer dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint Laurent 
People's choice award
André Lucas dos Reis Cuenca (UQAR), Diana Madeira, Geneviève Parent, Piero Calosi
How to live across a natural deoxygenation gradient : Insights from the annelid Neoleanira


We would like to congratulate the winners and thank the members of the jury, the people involved in organizing and carrying out the various activities, the presenters and trainers, our sponsors and above all the participants for making this event a success!