
18 March 2022

Postdoctoral fellow in sea ice algae ecotoxicology

Postdoctoral fellow in sea ice algae ecotoxicology

Postdoctoral Fellow opportunity to support a project called Toxicology and Ecology of sea ice Algae. The overarching goal of this project is to improve ice algal ecological understanding while developing and validating new standard toxicity tests for oil-spill-related contaminants associated with an opening Arctic Ocean. The focus will be on controlled experiments using isolated cultures of Nitzschia frigida in a laboratory setting. A combination of toxicological and algal ecological expertise will be an asset for this project. The postdoc is funded for a 2-year duration starting April 1 or as soon as possible after. Supervision will include ice algal (Dr. C.J. Mundy, U Manitoba; Dr. M. Gosselin, ISMER-UQAR) and aquatic toxicological
expertise (Dr. B. de Jourdan, Hunstman; Dr. M. Hanson, U Manitoba).

For further details